I've always been relatively jewelry shy...I always feel too flashy and funny, and the only stuff I can usually stand to wear are small, sentimental things. I admire people who have the knack for layering chains, beads and bangles and who wear the look with ease--but it's not for me. Which is why I like the idea of pieces, like this one, that are impressive enough to stand on their own.
So now let's see...two weeks worth of groceries or one epic bracelet...two weeks worth of groceries or...
On Friday afternoon, just when I was ready to call it a long, frustrating day of trekking across the city only to be discouraged and heartbroken by yet another eerily understocked, picked over Salvation Army (this time in Hell's Kitchen) and finding the perfect, grossly unaffordable chambray skirt in Urban Outfitters, I decided I would make one last stop before heading home.
Leaving the noise and grime of 14th St. behind with a sigh of relief, I walked south and east along wonderfully quiet streets and past two beautiful old churches until I found myself at Buffalo Exchange.
There I was rewarded for my day of fruitless labor. I found this lovely soft blue dress with two rows of brass buttons, and an amazing pair of vintage Ferragamo sandals with heavy gold buckles.
Even I can't quite get away with pretending it's sandal weather yet, so till then I'll have to substitute my Ropers, and bundle up under a big fringey scarf. As for adding tights...ugh, let's just not talk about it, ok??
Friday was a funny day. I woke up at my boyfriend's house to surprisingly warm weather, and surveyed the pile of mismatched, rumpled clothing that I had let accumulate on top of his hamper over the week. Faced with the possibility of rain, and the knowledge that I would be walking a lot that day, I decided it was imperative that I dress in layers.
Everything was going along swimmingly--grab a little of this, a little of that--but when it came to top it all off, I realized to my horror that the only jacket I had was my big, heavy, smothering peacoat. Unacceptable! I knew if I wore it I'd just end up having to carry it around half the day when I got overheated, but that if I didn't wear some sort of top layer I'd get cold as the day progressed.
Fortunately, I happen to be a pack rat genius. As I was pawing desperately through the hallway coat rack, I came across this tweedy blazer I'd bought at some stoop sale months ago and left (I'd like to say with clairvoyant fore-sight, but probably just brash carelessness) hanging safely between the wooley Pendeltons and duffel coats.
In the end, I rather liked the results of all this forced creativity: a mix of prints, textures and materials that had me, finally, ready to face the day!
Some artful solutions for the awkward in-betweensies stage (sunny but cold, rainy but warm, neither here nor there nor anywhere I particularly want to be) that the weather's got me all bothered about these days, courtesy of La Garçonne.
Sorry for the slow down in posts, I feel like I've been all over the place this week. I think my mind/body/soul are just crying out for Spring Break, but I wont be taking mine for another two weeks (ah CUNY, your administrative policies truly are a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in...poop.)
The good news is, I finally got my hands on the Jan./Feb. issue of RUSSH (the one with the awesome Horoscope spread.) I love this beauty editorial, which seems less about makeup and more about incorporating flowers into your hair/diet. Really, I love everything about this issue. Just like the one before it. And the one before that, and...well, you get the picture.
The prodigal bass player returned this weekend, and with him came a bagful of various items of ridiculous swag which, sadly, didn't fit either of us. Only one thing to do--trade 'em in, and get more stuff!
My closet has been sorely lacking in stripes these days, a completely unacceptable state of affairs with Spring on its way (RIGHT, Spring???)
A trip to Buffalo Exchange solved all my woes (if only!) in the form of a little tee from J. Crew and a linen tank from Zara.
The sun might be shining today, but it's still cold enough to guarantee I'd freeze should I dare and step out in one of these little numbers. Oh I can't wait to be tan and warm and lazy again! Being pale and cold and lazy just ain't cutting it anymore...
I love this photo of Lou Doillion, shot by Oliver Zahm, that I found over on Purple Diary (which is fast becoming an obsession, despite the fact that Mr. Zahm himself has always seriously skeeved me out.)
How sweet is her 'Marlowe" tattoo? That kid's gonna be a heart-breaker.
(...which also happens to be the brand name of my favorite dry shampoo...)
Couple'a new things over in the Etsy. I can't promise I wont spend my earnings on a pair of these Betsey Johnson tights I've been pining after for months (I mean, a pair of tights that actually makes me WANT to wear tights at this point is not a pair of tights to be turned away lightly...)
But don't worry guys, whatever happens, I PROMISE I'll blog about it. That's only fair.
I said I wasn't gonna buy anymore blouses until I found some more bottoms...but last weekend, after buying the shorts at Beacon's (see I did good, right?), I wandered into a little vintage store, and, well, darn it can you blame me???
This thing is the happiest, brightest, goofiest kind of plaid AND it's got a little bowtie at the neck. Long story short, I caved. Hard. So sue me. (No, really. Legal action is probably the only way I'll ever learn.)
I think getting out of class early is one of the few things I'll miss about school.
Yesterday, I managed to make it home just before the sun started going down.
That's one of my favorite things about this time of year, we finally get more light! Though the more I think about it, the more daylight savings time is still a totally bizarre concept to me. What a completely artificial construct! Anyways.
My room faces west and a bit south, and I get the most glorious afternoon sunlight. Having yellow walls helps up the golden factor as well. Haha, and in this photo you can see my "kitty corner", a testament to how badly I wish I could have a cat...Also, yes there is a door behind my bed, one of three that lead into my room. Weirdest apartment, ever.
Oh man you guys, it was a really nice day today (oops, I guess it's yesterday now!)
Sadly, I didn't really get to enjoy it as I would have liked, since I had to spend most of the afternoon inside working on a paper, then evening in class. Fortunately, the paper is about a movie I really love, An Angel at My Table(if you haven't seen it, you've just gotta! It's by the same woman who directed The Piano.)
So, in protest, I put on my new shorts (the product of an overall less-than-fruitful trip to Beacon's Closet this weekend. Seriously, why do I bother???), somethin' white and roomy, and dreamed up a world where I wouldn't have to eventually change into something a little more apropos of sitting in a drafty classroom for three hours, emerging well after sundown to a long cold subway ride home.
Speaking of new things, I went hog wild in Sephora this weekend and splurged on some glorious new perfume.
Falling in Love, by Philosophy. After smelling it for the first time last summer (sorry Amy I touched your stuff), I decided immediately that this was pretty much all I wanted to smell like, ever again. It's so sweet and fruity and warm and makes me think of ripe blackberries and sand between your toes.
It's taken me this long to finally break down and just BUY the stuff, I have such an absolute terror of purchasing new, shiny, silly things (old, shiny, silly things, now that's another story), even though at $15 I'm pretty sure it's one of the cheapest things you can find in that stinkin' place...
This weekend I lent a hand to the magnificent Annie Powers on an epic shoot for some new Pains press photos.
Here are just a few of the things involved: a fog machine, confetti, streamers, a fresh '90's playlist, Korbel straight from the bottle and massive amounts of bro-lovin' eternity-vibes.
Seriously, how adorkable are these guys??? Right now they're in Austin, where I hear the weather is perfect, the BBQ is to die for, and Spike Lee is strollin' around like he owns the joint. Fuhgeddabout St. Patty's Day--I'm greeeeeen with envy (wah waaaah.)
(Thanks to thedamnblue for the photographic evidence!)
UPDATE: Here's one of the final photos from the shoot. I freakin' LOVE IT.
(Click to make it bigger and more beautiful! Photo by Annie Powers.)