I feel like she should be about to break into the "Top That" rap from Teen Witch. Cuz, you know, you can give all that you can, but you will never top that/you can dream until you're blue but you can never TOP THAT!
Aaaagh, seeing this girl on Stockholm Streetstyle has reignited my lust for a pair of those Swedish Hasbeens (though apparently these are actually by a brand called Toffel, which I can't find being sold anywhere with a website in English...) That and the gorgeous girl I spotted in the Walgreens by Union Square this afternoon rocking a pair of these.
I am still 100% baffled by the summer shoe situation. Saltwater sandals are amazing, but too wide. The pair I had my sights set on arrived from etsy the other day, and they were much too long (so now they're here.)My pair of Emma Pink gladiators are on they're last legs, besides being excruciatingly uncomfortable on pavement. So please tell me, what on earth are you guys wearing on your feet right now???
Well, not just somebody, Hannah! I don't think I could say "thank you" enough if I ran upstairs and literally shouted it from the rooftops!
Haha, and now I think I'm addicted to Frankie--and not just because they said good things about the Pains (though that suuure doesn't hurt none!) I mean seriously, do you guys publish any non-amazing magazines? I defy you to show me your worst, trashiest rag, and watch as it still manages to blow its pasty American counterpart out of the water. I bet even Marie Claire Australia, be there such a thing, is at least readable!
I don't know what it is, but lately I've been feeling like it's time for a change.
A lot of the clothing I own is a little on the fussy/kooky side. I will never, ever loose my love for the wacky/tacky side of the '70s, the ruffles and patchwork prints, you know, shag-carpet chic.
But at the same time, I feel like a lot of these things were purchased with a desire to over-compensate for something I felt I lacked. Growing up, I was pretty uncomfortable with the way I looked, and like a lot of girls, I discovered early on that clothes could be a great way to distract both yourself and others from whatever it was you felt unhappy with.
But more and more, I'm longing for the sort of wardrobe simplicity that I've never felt able to master. Clothes that don't scream for attention, but instead leave you to do all the talking.
And that's a scary thing, for me anyways. Of course, this doesn't mean I'm scrapping the whole mess and starting from scratch (that would leave me nigh on pretty darn naked, though I have been making some tough decisions, the benefits of which you will no doubt be able to reap on my etsy...)
I guess what it comes down to is, it'll be my birthday in less than a month, and maybe I just feel like it's time my wardrobe grew up a little too...ya know?
A few behind the scenes shots from the "Cheap Chic" spread that Chloë did for the current issue of Elle Magazine (see the results, and the massive amounts of facial photoshopping, here and here)
Every warm afternoon that I find myself walking around the East Village, I start to think that maybe today's the day I'll catch a glimpse of her. What would I do if I did? Absolutely nothing, the poor girl deserves to be left the hell alone, especially by psychopaths like me! But it would be a totally stupid, totally silly thrill to add to my list of totally stupid, totally silly thrills that NYC has provided me so far... (Photos found on Chloë's thread over on the Fashion Spot)
Somewhere along the way I started to go a little bonkers for this girl.
Maybe it's because she's a successful model and around my height (exact measurements are fuzzy, but supposedly she's 5'7"ish), maybe it's because I'm a sucker for Kiwis, maybe it's because she's been in RUSSH twice (both times slightly topless and slightly underage...oops?), or maybe it's because she just sorta seems like the perfect girl of summer.
Whatever, I'm on vacation, and my better half is on another continent. Über-appropriate time to be cultivating useless, time consuming obsessions, right??
(All photos found in Zippora's thread on the Fashion Spot)
This post is dedicated to my friend Jacky, who works at a Doggy Daycare.
I've always been more of a cat person myself (though I wouldn't say no to a pack of Westies á la photo #3), and I'm pretty indifferent as to the clothes, but I figured these were way too good not to share!
(Photographed by Walter Pfeiffer for Paris Vogue, June/July 2009.More/source here)
This sort of an amalgamation of what I wore out and about the last couple of days: top and skirt from Friday, shoes and bag from last night.
The blouse is more of a peachy pink than a cream, I don't feel like that comes across very well in these photos. It's also 100% puuuure silk, which feels nice in these sweaty times.
Haha, also, did anyone else read the article in the May issue of British Vogue about the "new" ways to hold your bag? (And I quote, "the new way of carrying a bag is not to carry it at all, but to 'wear' it with nonchalance, an attitude that the French have always affected so well.") Mon dieu, "wear" my bag??? Quelle idée!
So here's my best attempt at "The Cuddle". Puts ol' Aggy right to shame, I know.
Sad fact: Nylon used to be a really cool, kinda weird, pretty special magazine.
Random fact: the San Francisco Public Library has every copy of Nylon ever produced, housed in hefty, bound volumes, and when I lived there I used to spend hours going through them chronologically. It was equal parts fascinating and mortifying to watch their slow but inevitable decline into the empty shell that exists today (and this was a few years ago, when they were still semi on top of their game...)
Fun fact: In celebration of their 10th anniversary, Nylon has scanned their first ever issue (April 1999) in its entirety, and posted it on their flickr.
True fact: you can see it all for yourself right here!
These are the sort of colors I want for summer: soft, stripes, tans, creams, pinks, blues. Things that feel good on your skin and make you smile from head to toe.
The last couple of days have been perfectly gorgeous: just hot enough, just breezy enough, not a cloud in the sky. I've been doing my best to ignore the fact that I'm still not technically done with school, and that I should really be studying and reading but ahhhhh, how can I work when the sky is so blue?? Hallelujah, I'm a bum!
And this is really just the perfect summer song. If you haven't heard of Kurt Vile, well...neither had I until a few weeks ago when the ever-wise bf turned me on to this sweet, sweet jam (mmm, jaaam.) It's already made its way onto my first mixtape of the season!
(Sorry for the weird video, the song itself actually ends around 2:41, but the picture just keeeps goin'...)
My latest little piece in the June/July issue of BUST Magazine! Click to make it nice 'n readable, see the rest here :n )
I'm super excited about what I'm working on for them at the moment. Stay tuned, chickies! (Balls, did I just call you guys chickies? I'm so sorry, it's been a loooong day...)
That's it! I'm fed up! The lies, the deceit, the shattered dreams...that's right, I'm talking about you, Barnes & Noble.
Basically, I've given up all hope of finding Russh Magazine here in the US. Things were going so well, and then it up and disappears again! I can't take this kind of stress.
So I'm wondering if there's anyone out there who actually lives where this magazine is published (or anywhere else where they actually sell it, in stores, wacky I know) who might be willing to buy me a copy and ship it over here? And also, just how much that might run me? Cheapest shipping, plus the cost of the magazine and something for your trouble of course. You would be saving me such a world of pain, and I would love you foorrreeevvvveeeerrrrrr!
Edit: Eureka, I think I've found a source (a "RUSSH enabler", ha!) Thank you Hannah, and everyone else that offered to help! Proof that if you need a hand, sometimes all you gotta do is ask :n )
Basically, the sole purpose of this post is to gloat over the great things I found this weekend. Not that I have any business going shopping, especially this late in the month...
Unfortunately, whenever I get stressed, or sad, or worried, or all of the above (check, check and check), all I want to do is go thrift shopping! Everything about it calms me, even the smell of mothballs and stale cigarette smoke.
And even more unfortunately, since I moved to New York, "thrift shopping" has turned into "oh I'll just pop into Beacon's and see what's new..." Beacon's Closet is NOT a thrift store. Neither is Buffalo Exchange. Or Atlantis Attic. These are some facts over which I am firmly in denial.
Ah but to hell with it, look what I found! The most beautiful sheer pink blouse, and a little brownish skirt (hey, I NEEDED skirts), and an old pair of Hush Puppies heels. And there's more (just a LITTLE more I swear), that will be popping up in the future no doubt.
Anyways, in penance, I've been updating my etsy with some pretty choice goods. There was another lighter pink blouse like this one that I almost snapped up for the shop, though at the moment I'm trying not to consciously "spend money to make money," but perhaps I'll go back in a day or two and see if it's still there? I'm sure some lovely girl could find a place for it in her closet.
1) That these shoes aren't my size! Duuuude, I've always been a bit on the fence about beaded moccasins (mostly because they make my feet look so stumpy and square...) but these, THESE are amazing! And, unfortunately, made for a tiny person.
2) That these shoeswould fit me, but that I can't afford them. Holy smokes. When would I ever wear these? You and I both know that is soooo not the point, amigos. Get of my dreams, get onto my feets!
A few pages from the 1978 edition of the yearbook for my bf's alma mater. I found it in a thrift store a few blocks from my house, and gave it to him for Christmas. It's pure gold! Hopefully someday I'll get around to scanning more of it...