Dress: secondhand
Boots: Vintage Dingo brand
Bag: L.L.Bean Signature
I'll admit, I've been fighting off a pretty wretched case of post-vacation blues these last few days. It's just so hard knowing that I wont be able to visit home again until around Christmas (hopefully) which means many months of no cabin, no best friend, no cats/birds/sheep, no family and no farm. And it'll be a whole year until I can make up for all the warm weather things I somehow failed to do this summer (Swimming! Kite flying! Skim boarding! Rollerskating in empty parking lots!) All this exacerbated by finding out that I lost about a third of the film photos I took, mostly of Dag and her sweet cat Zowie and her beautiful home...SOB!

ANYWAYS, today I forced myself to put on my brightest dress (handmade in India! It was a diaphanous One-Size-Fits-None until I took it in quite a bit) and get busy running errands. I ended the day with a nice set-down in the little park near our apartment, trying to remind myself that all of NYC isn't concrete and grime and sirens and dudes who sit next to you in Barnes & Noble and make weird/awful snuffling noises every twenty seconds until you wanna punch them in the head...

Also, I'll admit, this is basically the exact same thing I wore last week while sipping tea and eating mini red velvet cupcakes at the Rebecca Minkoff headquarters. The designer and her team were sweet enough to invite a few bloggers around to have a look at all their gorgeous shoes and bags. The colors! The textures (namely: BUTTAH.) The things that handbag dreams are made of...