I've really gotta take a moment and say a huge thank you for all the kind comments of congrats about my BUST featurette! It was really fun and unexpected, not to mention quite an honor. I was equally happy to hear that you guys like the sweater I chose to wear, by miss Caycee Black, which reminded me that I had yet to share these photos I snapped a few months ago at the shoot for her F/W 2010 Look Book. It was all shot at the Triad theatre, a beautiful little place on the Upper West Side of Manhattan filled with shadowy corners and a lot of red velvet.
I also managed a few weeks ago to get a sneak peak of what she's working on for her Spring collection, and it's totally dreamy! Cool sidenote: she paints all her prints herself (plus, she's cute as a frickin' button, that one!)
One of the things I look forward to the most about home is the abundance of insanely fresh (we're talking from the ground to your plate in less than 30 minutes or your money back!), delicious, plentiful foods! So I figured I'd lead off my vacay updates with a shot of a plate I shared with my friend Dag at a little place called The Market Chef in Friday Harbor. The roasted vegetables cannot be matched...
...except, perhaps, by the sandwiches! Here, Dag enjoys a little number entitled "My Sister's Favorite" which is a warm pile-up of sprouts, apple, melted cheese, sunflower seeds and spicy mustard. Yeeeeeah.
A few things about Dag: she lives in a cabin in the woods with three ducks, seven chickens, three finches, and a cat named Zowie; she loves glitter nail polish, Marc Bolan, and tiny backpacks; she has the most amazing cache of beautiful weird old clothes, mostly gathered from the local thrift store (to which we have been every single day since I've arrived. So many scores!); she pretty much always looks this awesome, and yep, you'll be seeing a lot more of her on here during the next few weeks, you lucky things!
I've been hearing rumblings that the August/September issue of BUST has been officially unleashed on the world, so I think it's safe for me to finally unveil something I've been excited about for many weeks now.
Back in June, I was invited, along with Elizabeth, Jenny and Angel, to be one of four amazing, blogging ladies to be featured in a special Fall fashion preview. When Lisa, one of the editors, suggested we wear a favorite local or indie designer of ours, I immediately thought of my friend Caycee Black and her sweet, eponymous line. I ended up wearing one of her gorgeous heavy knit sweaters, along with some odds and ends from my closet. We were also asked to make up a little wishlist for fall--sadly, my crappy scan totally obliterated the American Apparel sweater down in the corner, but that means you'll just have to check it out for yourself in print!
Endless thanks goes out to Lisa (who has an amazing blog of her own) and everyone else at BUST for being so amazing and sweet and badass! And for treating me so dang good, seriously, whatever I did to deserve this, it must have been pretty awesome...
Phew, ok, it's almost two in the morning, my flight for the West Coast leaves at 6:45am, and I've still got a list of things left to do! I'm so excited to be packing for a place with actual weather (instead of just a constant, brain-stew-inducing level of HOT.) I'm bringing shorts--and pants! Tank tops--and sweatshirts! And yes, a lot of stripes.
Today was a pretty tortuous day, with a long list of errands and temps in the nineties. However, I did make a particularly exciting purchase: one tub of Manic Panic Cotton Candy Pink hair dye. I plan on trying out pink tips while I'm home because, hell, WHY NOT?? Woo, summer vacaaaaay!
antique handmade Russian blouse/Cheap Monday shorts/Saltwater Sandals/second hand bag
Saturday afternoon, I made the train trip down to Coney Island to see the Pains play at Siren Fest. This blouse usually hangs on my wall, it's so pretty and ancient. But every now and then I like to take it off display and out into the real world for some fresh air (and, in this case, plenty of sweat.)
Honestly, as far as the festival was concerned I was mostly excited for the endless array of tasty foods available (final tally: one fro-yo, one corndog, one soft serve cone, one lemonade.) In the end, despite all the sugar in my system, the day was bittersweet since Alex and the band left right after playing for a five week European tour. I wont be seeing his pretty face again for over a month! Which sucks ass. At least I'll be spending the better part of that time in Washington where many cats, ducks, chickens and various forest creatures await to sooth my sorrows!
It's no secret that I pretty much constantly have a very long wishlist of "amazing things I wish I had the spending money to drop on," but when two of those objects collide into an amazing collaboration, it's almost too much for me to bear! Behold: designer of tie-dye wonders Shabd has teamed up with Baggu to create...tie-dye canvas backpacks and satchels! Such a brilliant idea.
P.S. Does anyone know where I can pick up a regular Baggu 16oz. Duck Bag (the second style pictured, sans tie dye) in New York City ASAP? I'd like to get one to put all my junk in before I leave Tuesday morning :n )
Alex and I went and saw I am Love this afternoon. It was beautiful and amazing and intense and you do, indeed, need to "see it by any means necessary"! Honestly, just thinking about the ending is still giving me goosebumps...So, I thought this would be an opportune time to share some pictures I took during my trip to Bassano del Grappa back in June. It was such a bizarre whirlwind event that it all feels like a crazy, hazy dream--and heck, these photos are doing absolutely nothing to refute those feelings!
On Monday, I had an Important Meeting to attend. Accordingly, I was forced to play a little game I like to call "Dress Up Like You're a Fully Formed Human Girl With More Than a Passing Interest in Personal Style!"
It's been so hot lately, and I've been spending so much time mopping up cat barf (pet-sitting, you are a cruel mistress) that I've kinda been letting things go to shit around here, so it was nice to have an excuse to actually plan an outfit for once.Anyways, obviously, I decided that tastefully wrinkled tie-dye was the way to go!! In the end, it was a whole lotta hoopla for a rendezvous that lasted all of ten minutes. But I think I nailed it!
P.S. Please check out my new shades! They kinda make me feel like a goof and they kinda don't stay on my face. But I'm also kiiinda in love! I have been sans sunnies since some time in April when my last pair of fake Clubasters ate it in the bottom of my purse, and no, I have no idea how I've survived summer thus far without my retinas frying like bacon...
I've actually been a fan of this shop for quite some time now, after stumbling across it on some late-night sugar-high-induced shoe hunt (no doubt.) What caught my attention was the mix of off-beat, totally adorable stock and incredibly reasonable prices--and not just "Etsy reasonable" but, like real life reasonable! I kind of felt like I had come across my own semi-private online thrift store and now, well, I guess I'm sharing my "secret" with you all!
For her latest update, I sent Susie a list (and...ok, made a polyvore set!) of some of my favorite summer essentials, and she in turn took my recommendations to heart when shopping around for her newest stock. Above are just a few of the amazing pieces she tracked down, all available for sale in her shop. Check it!!
Pheeew. I'm starting to feel like all I do these days is sweat and scoop cat poo (pet sitting is not a particularly glam occupation...) Thankfully, starting the 20th I'll be escaping for four weeks to my island homeland in Washington!! It's high time for a seaside retreat, and these gorgeous photos by Liz Ham for Oyster Magazine have got me dreaming about worn-in denim, stripes, flats, and maybe a bit of red lip (though I'll just end up having to reapply after that ginormous ice cream cone I've got my mind's eye on...) So of course, I made a polyvore set to go with!
Ok, so: all I need to do now is find someone willing to pay me for dicking around on polyvore all day, and I'll be set for life!
(photo by Liz Ham for Oyster Magazine #85 found here)
Thank you all so much for the sweet comments on my last post! I'm so happy with how the film turned out, and I'm glad you guys are too!
The last few days have been filled with a lot of getting up way too early, trudging under the hot sun, sweating buckets, and various other activities that leave me an exhausted grimy mess by the end of the day (albeit with a wee bit more cash in my pocket, occasionally.) Speaking of which: these are some photos I snapped a couple of weeks ago on set at the epic, near-20-hour-long video shoot for "Not Enough" by Xylos. The video was directed by Keith Hopkin, and styled by yours truly (using the better part of my own closet, I might add!) Can't wait to show you the real deal!