Just in case there's anyone left out there who hasn't had their fill of our travel photos, Alex recently put up all his medium format Yashica pictures from both Japan and Australia/New Zealand (including this shot of me blissing out in Melbourne, wearing what appear to be epicly endless mom-jeans. They were actually epicly short mom-jeans shorts, but the frame conveniently ends just before my legs began!)
There's some real gems in there, so have a look if you've got the time <3.
(P.S. the rest of my photos are here,here and here.)
Right now it's pouring rain outside--good for the flowers, not so much for moving furniture--but the weather forecast is calling for one hell of a nice weekend. A high of 75º on Saturday and Girls at Webster Hall? Don't mind if I do.
Reality is, I'll probably be wearing something a lot more conducive to playing frisbee and maybe a bit of light scavenging for some kitchen chairs, but in a perfect world, I'd be strolling around the West Village in this getup, taking photos of the first blossoming trees of the season, Mr. Softee vanilla cone with rainbow sprinkles in one hand and a basketfull of kittens in the other...or something like that.
In all seriousness though: does anyone actually own those Jeffrey Campbell heels? They're on sale at Urban right now, and I'm pretty darn tempted, but they've been getting some mixed reviews. Any insights would be much appreciated!
We're moving into a new place on Wednesday...well, actually, we've been moving for a couple days now, but we don't officially take up residence until the 1st. I've been collecting up photos of places I might like to live, rooms with dusty colors and tall windows and dark wood and lots and lots of bookshelves. You know, something to focus on every time I start to get tempted by yet another second-hand IKEA couch off craigslist...
A lot of these have been sitting on my computer for so long, I'm afraid I have no idea where they came from. Many of them, however, I found via ooh_food's flickr stream. There's over 700 photos in their amazing home inspiration collection, so safe to say, there's something for everyone!
As someone who is both an avid stalker of Etsy AND avidly unemployed, I've amassed quite a collection of items that I couldn't manage to justify purchasing over the last few months, but also can't quite bare to delete off my favorites page now that they're sold. A little bit of e-commerce masochism, I guess.
Unsurprisingly, pretty much all of them seem to involve a platform. This is because my fantasy life involves my living in a world where I can one, afford to buy wildly impractical vintage shoes off the internet, and two, manage to walk around all day in said shoes without falling on my face or giving a rat's ass if people think I'm insane.
Do you guys do this to yourself too? What's the item you most regret letting get away? Haha, and sorry if this is dredging up some bad memories...
I was issued a request on tfs to scan this editorial from the newest Lula, starring Kirsty Hume and shot by Sky Parrott, and I thought I might as well post it here as well. Not my favorite spread, but still quite nice.
Actually, there's a lot of good stuff in this issue, but nothing that really grabbed my attention as outstanding--except maybe the article about Shelley Duvall, because my love for Shelley knows no bounds!
Here it is: the last set of photos from the tour, our Australia and New Zealand leg. We had about a week in Australia, and only three or for days in New Zealand, but they were filled with sun and wind and summer. Looking at these photos right now is both heartening and painful, as the bizarrely warm weather in NYC that had everyone getting their ya-yas out last week has disappeared as fast as it came. Barf.
Outside our hotel in Melbourne, which was on Gertrude St. Saltwaters ahoy!
Oh my god you guys, I nearly forgot! I totally saw THIS DUDE!!!That day or the next, just walkin' down the street, hair bobbing in the breeze. Mission accomplished.
The afternoon we arrived, we were invited to a BBQ at the Summer Cats' house, who happen to be the nicest dudes ever. We were fed prawns that may or may not have been cooked on a...ahem...barbie...
...and treated to some serious Aussie-style hospitality. Coopers!! (Don't forget to roll it!)
I saw this amazing necklace made of a million mini-Kaisers in the window of a little shop on Gertrude St.
Both the shows in Melbourne were at the East Brunswick Club, which was awesome because they offered us free food, which was all amazing. Warm chocolate brownies two nights in a row? Check. Here we're on our way to check out the Savers on Sydney Rd. after sound check.
The old buildings in Melbourne are amazing, so many ornate facades and lattice work. These are a couple on Sydney Rd.
Walking back from Sydney Rd. It felt so good to be somewhere where people can have actual gardens and front yards again.
Part of downtown Melbourne peeping through the trees in Carlton Gardens.
An amazing John Candy window shade we saw on the way to buy Alex some more medium format film, I think on Swanston St.?
Cooling my jets across from the National Gallery.
Lyin' back, lookin' up, driftin' off.
The next day the dudes played an in-store show at Polyester Records, where the lovely Elizabeth came and said hey to me--thanks again, it was so great to finally meet you :n )
Setting up before the Polyester in-store. The set was a little delayed because of a broken guitar string, but all was saved in the end.
Kip's peddle board, affectionately known as the "Painbow", in action.
The next day, while the band flew to Perth, I ended up staying in Melbourne. Which was a-ok, because I got to go to the Royal Botanic Gardens and learn a thing or two about Australian Flora.
This is the eternal flame that burns outside the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne. This seemed incredibly dangerous to my pampered American self, but also totally badass. Like, yeah, we've got large open flames in public places that never stop burning!! Fuckin' Aussie!!!
An American Apparel in Sydney getting prepped for Mardi Gras.
Morning light in our Sydney hotel room. It was kind of creepy sleeping next to an enormous mirror, but it made sleepy self portraits a real breeze.
Ok, maybe someone who lives in Sydney can explain to me what was going on here? All I know is that this was literally the most old people I've ever seen congregate in one area, it was like a sea of pastels! And then they all started going inside at the same time...
We ended up spending most of our day off in Sydney at Taronga Zoo, which was maybe a questionable decision, but hell, we wanted to see some Koalas ok?? Anyways, this is a view of the Opera House from the ferry we took to Koala Town.
Alex/Opera House face-off.
No clue why these last two came out so greenish and groovy looking, but I'm cool with it.
New Zealand!! Sadly, I don't have that many photos from our stay, since we were really just passing through, and I was kind of burnt out on lugging my camera around...but this was at Mission Bay in Auckland. Whole swatches of the beach were made up of these beautiful piles of shells.
At the top of Mt. Eden, looking down into the Crater. There's a surprise down there!
The view of Auckland from Mt. Eden, looking out towards volcanic Rangitoto Island.
In our room in Wellington. Oooh Wellington! I fell in love with the place, even though we had less than 24 hours there. Our hotel was right on Cuba St., and I stopped into Good As Gold and fondled some Funkis. Side note:, this sweet cat shirt was courtesy of an amazing vintage shop we found in Harajuku where everything was 700 Yen, or about $7.00 US.
Wellington at Sunset. I'm determined to get back here some day! It seriously blew my mind.
Ooh, I do want to say a quick thank you to both the sweet ladies who came and said hi to me during the shows in Auckland and Wellington. Like a true ass, I have forgotten your names, but it was so incredibly nice to talk to you, or at least yell at you over some indie rock 'n roll. Hearts to both of yous! And of course, thanks in general for all the sweet comments on these posts, I'm glad if I could inspire a little, or a lot, of wanderlust in you all!