I had the immense pleasure yet again of meeting up with Maya from Turned Out for a little photo snap and a simple, delicious lunch at her place. I can't say enough about how much I enjoy both this lady's company and her blog. She told me that she'll be travelling to London and Paris for Fashion Week, and I for one can't wait to see the beautiful creatures she tracks down! Thanks again Maya :n )
P.S. If you made your way over here from Turned Out and happen to be looking for those photos from my recent trip home, you can find them all here!
Suddenly, I feel like I could do with a little bit of leopard print in my life. Not too much, just a splash. It's definitely a pattern that toes the line between class and tack, but when you get it right, it just looks like so much damn fun. Some ideas (click for info):
I know it feels like they're sort of everywhere at the moment, but I don't think I'll ever really get tired of watching these soft, lo-fi Super8 music videos. Especially the ones filled with pretty girls in pretty clothes (...and pretty boys don't hurt neither.)
Ok, so I've seen photos of Marissa Tomei modeling Boy by Band of Outsiders floating around the world wide web for some time now, and while that's all well and adorable--HELLO?!? The REAL deal is Mr. Schwartzman himself caught cavorting in pieces from the brand's men's Fall line, captured Polaroid style. Observe:
You owe it to yourself to explore the full collection of these gems right here.
Speaking of the JMan, this show is making me wish, for the gazillionth time, that I had access to HBO. And it's got Galifinakis in it too! And oooh, the cameos.
My school starts up again on Friday (tomorrow?!), and I feel like summer just really got going. Sob. While I'm not looking forward to most of my classes (biology, bah!), these are some things I'm looking forward to (wishing I was) wearing:
Happy weekend everyone! I wish I was going to the beach today but there are storm warnings and rainclouds afoot (and lightning in the sky as I type this!) Maybe next weekend?
Until then, here is a tune to help start your Saturday right. Do yourself a favor and stream it/download it/sing along incessantly. I promise you will love it! It's a totally brilliant remix of a Drums song by one of my favorite bands, Knight School. If you're in the NYC area come see them play tonight at Bruar Falls!(Images from superbomba, Vogue UK, and So Much to Tell You)
It's hard to find the strength to dress up, or dress at all for that matter, when your apartment is like an oven and the world outside is a sweaty, grimy, sticky concrete jungle. When preparing for the day, certain unpleasantries must be taken into account: How hard is it going to be to wash the sweat out of this? Should I go sleeveless, thereby avoiding pit stains, or is it worth the risk of eventual deodorant failure and subsequent personal stink factory?
I have primarily given up on trying to look "nice" or "put together" for the time being in any sense of the words, but yesterday I pulled out this pretty little old blouse that I found in a friend's giveaway bag last year. It's already a bit stained and going to shreds, so I figured a little more wear and tear wouldn't really make that much difference.
And now, of course, it's absolutely pouring rain outside and I'm stuck at a pet-sit with no umbrella. Hmmm...so maybe this is the excuse to wear rain boots with a bikini that I've been looking for??
These pictures make me wish more than ever that I lived someplace where I could have a little garden of my own. I tried to start one on our roof this Spring but a pack of rotten squirrels decimated it. They even tore up things that I never thought squirrels would eat, like basil and mint. Bastards.
Also, a side benefit of having a garden is that it gives you a pretty decent excuse to wear wellies with a bathing suit.
Artistic representation of the only sensible way to deal with summer in New York City sans air conditioning:
Step 1) gather all your most attractive friends. Step 2) gather and arrange all your most powerful fans. Step 3) lie down on the floor and do not move.
Bags of various frozen vegetables recommended but not required, depending on your budget. (Photo from Italian Elle found here)
I'm currently battling both life-sucking heat and sense-sucking greediness, but I finally managed to get a few things up in my etsy, Maude Loves Harold Vintage. Somehow a lot of what I picked up seems to have been in a similarly soft color palette. I'll be making a few more colorful additions this week (if I don't melt first.)
I came across Lina Scheynius on flickr several months ago, and I've been in love with her beautiful, simple, often very personal photos ever since. So I was incredibly excited to open up the September issue of US Elle the other day to find that she had shot a whole, amazing, editorial (which also happens to have been styled by Camille Bidault-Waddington, who basically always wins in my book!)
These images capture just exactly what I want for Fall: the soft colors, the mixed textures, and a sophisticated sort of whimsy that adds such unforgetable charm. Now that I'm back to summer in the city instead of summer in the country I'm almost, almost looking forward to Fall. Not looking forward to wearing tights again though, not now, not ever, heh.