Let me just preface this by saying that I have never actually been in the position to take a proper "winter holiday." My winter holidays the last several years have consisted of traveling to the greyest, wettest part of the country for a precious week or two, and while I treasure those visits, they're hardly any call for perusing the Resort collections, let alone swimwear.
Still, in my sweet, happy fantasy life, I am currently preparing for a trip to somewhere warm and sandy, somewhere southerly--somewhere on the other side of the equator, if at all possible. And in this dream world, I'm packing my new R2D2 bathing suit from Black Milk. Actually, it's probably a good thing this is all purely speculation, since I'm not sure I'd be able to settle on a style. It's amazing to me how much the graphic one-piece market has blown up in the last year or so. Between these guys and We Are Handsome, I'd be well equipped for fun in that imaginary sun...
At long last, all pissing and moaning aside: Lula has been released! (Though I'll believe it when I finally see it stateside...) Looking forward to Ashley Smith's editorial, and all the usual fluff and circumstance. I do wonder what the price hike will translate to in US$...ah well, we all know I'll find those pennies somewhere! It's a darn good thing none of my favorite, foreign, pricey magazines come out on a monthly basis...
It's always a sorry day when the last of the fresh berries disappear from the Farmer's Market. As a life-long devotee to both oatmeal and yogurt as year-round breakfast foods of choice, the winter time tends to leave my cereals and live cultures a bit less than, er, lively--and granola only gets you so far!
Thankfully, it's around this time of year that pomegranates descend onto supermarket shelves. I've been in love with the wondrous fruit since I was a kid (I always got one in my stocking, though sometimes it was a challenge to shake it out of there!) They are a bit time consuming to take apart, but I find it kinda meditative, standing barefoot in the kitchen in my boyfriend's sweater, slowly separating fruit from pith. Once removed, the ruby red seeds last several days in the fridge. I like to sprinkle a handful over hot six grain porridge, slice up some banana, and add a splash of oat milk and orange blossom honey. Such a perfect, simple winter breakfast.
Thanks to Alex, I just came across this amazing set of images by weetstraw on Flickr (do check out the rest!) Apparently, they are scans from a book entitled The Great Cities / Paris from 1977, and photographed by Raghubir Singh.
I always keep my eyes out for wonderful old books like this when rummaging through thrift shops (along with copies of National Geographic from the '70's) and while I've made some scores, I've never found anything quite this amazing. Ah well--to Amazon we go!
Just an itty-bitty sneak peak at a project a friend and I have been working on recently. I'm pretty excited for the big reveal. More deets any day now!
Speaking of winter-time color: I just love this photo of Diana and Charles at Balmoral. Although, haha, apparently it was taken on May 6th (by Tim Graham). Nonetheless, I do love her sweater. It looks a bit faded here, but in other views you can see it was a rather shocking pink! I wonder where she got it, and why it is she chose to wear it to this particular photocall. Anyways, I'm totally digging this whole outfit, really.
P.S. I still have a copy of the Elton John "Candle in the Wind" single...on cassette! Those were truly sad times for a thirteen year old Anglophile. (Edit: Ok ok, I do know it's still quite cold in May in the UK--I was a teen Anglophile once, remember!)
Every year as winter approaches, I begin to feel like all the color is slowly being sucked out of the world. We've been lucky with the weather lately, but I know there will be weeks when we don't see a clear sky, no sun, no blue. Just a flat grey underbelly as far as the eye can see.
A "fashion forecast"? The coming Spring will be a season chock-a-block with cornflower, vermilion, citrus and goldenrod. Now, however, is a time to find the perfect pair of black oxfords and the perfect pair of brown oxfords, the perfect pair of brown boots and the perfect pair of black boots, the perfect white sweater, the perfect grey sweater, the perfect black sweater. It's true that layering is a lot easier when you're working with a whittled down palette--being adventurous is so much more complicated in the cold. If it were up to me though, I would have a winter coat in every color of the rainbow. And a nice tartan plaid for good measure.
If only I loved perfume as much as I love perfume ads, maybe I wouldn't have such a hell of time settling on a scent! I don't know, maybe it's just having such a huge budget poured into something quite small, but so many of them seem to come out perfectly dreamy. Case in point: I'm completely obsessed with the new Love, Chloe commercial (and the song by Chemise.) Directed by Roman Coppola, it's the perfect nod to the classic '70's era Charlie ads. It just makes me wanna put on some camel pants be a career woman and have really, really bouncy hair.
Gucci also does a knock out job when it comes to their perfumes--recall Flora by Gucci and, last but certainly not least, Gucci by Gucci (by David Lynch!) Do you have a favorite perfume campaign, past or present?
I just put up a little guest post over on Sally Jane Vintage chock full of holiday gifting (and getting!) inspiration. I think I've finally recovered from the insanity that was last week, and I'm ready to get back into the swing of things! Plus I've got some exciting news that I can't wait to share with you dudes...wahoo!
P.S. Thanks for all the kind comments on my last post! Isn't that jacket totally rad? It's actually vintage Ralph Lauren, and sadly it belongs to a friend (a friend who is lucky I didn't abscond over the border into the wilds of Canada with that beauty, never to be heard from again...)
Photography: Charlie Rubin Styling: Siri Thorson Model: Stephanie Lee @ Elite
I had another opportunity to get together with photographer Charlie Rubin a couple of weeks ago--only this time, I got to take a turn (mostly) behind the lens, styling up the gorgeous Stephanie Lee from Elite. I've said it once, and I'll say it again: there's nothing more simultaneously exhilarating and infinitely depressing than seeing a professional model rocking the shit out of your own wardrobe. Ha! But Steph was a doll, and working with Charlie always proves to be an adventure (in the best possible way.)
You can find a few more shots from the set featured on Fashionising--and you can also take a peek at some of my past styling work over on my tumblr "portfolio" (tumblolio?? The future is now!)
A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to preview my friend Caycee Black's S/S 2011 collection. In a word, it is GORGEOUS. I've always admired Caycee's prints (which she designs herself) but I think this might be my favorite season yet. The colors are incredible, the fabrics luxurious, and as always, there's a touch of humor and whimsy to everything. Instead of relying on my janky old camera for snaps, I thought I'd share with you a few of my very favorite shots from her lookbook (the whole of which can be viewed here.) It's all perfectly dreamy and hazy, and was shot in Texas on and around her family's ranch, which is apparently some sort of museum of great mid-century taste!
I also thought it would be fun to ask Caycee a few quick questions, outside of the standard "where do you get your inspiration" kind of stuff. I'd kinda maybe like to make this into a more regular feature, so let me know what you think! Anyways, here are FiveQuestions for Caycee Black:
What was your favorite outfit in high school? Ahhh my favorite outfit in high school was my pale blue plaid kilt that I wore with a cream baby tee and shrunken blue cardi. I paired that with cream knee socks and my platform short boots. I wanted to be Liv Tyler really badly. On a casual day I'd go with the chucks instead that had my boyfriend's initials Sharpied on them!
What fictional character has your favorite style? This is a great question...probably a mix of Wednesday Adams, Nora from the Thin Man film series in the 30's and Polly Magoo in Qui êtes-vous, Polly Magoo? If money was no object, what's one item you would buy? This is hard...hmmm I would go with an apartment. Rent just always gets in the way.
What's the best item you've bought for less than $20? I have a little crop top from the 1930's that's plaid which I'm pretty proud of finding.
(Wild Card!) What's something you miss abut Texas that you can't find here in New York? First would be my Texas thrift stores, riding horses, and the way time just passes slower there.
Thanks Caycee!! You can also check out my photos of Caycee's Fall lookbook shoot here, and see me in BUST Magazine wearing a cozy Caycee Black sweater right here!
I've been in a state of financial paralysis recently, waiting for freelance checks to materialize in my mailbox. It's been a while since I've felt like I could splash out on new socks, let alone anything mildly pretty or impractical. Thankfully, however, I seem to continue to find ways to squeeze milk from the stone, and all three items above are recent acquisitions on credit from Buffalo Exchange and Beacon's Closet.
The trousers are actually a pair originally from Urban Outfitters by Lark & Wolf that I was obsessed with this spring but could never justify buying full price, so I was mighty excited to find them at Buffalo Exchange--the same day I came across this vintage Laura Ashley blouse. It's so long I can almost pass it off as a dress, and when I tried it on with some cutoffs around the house, the tails were hangin' loose out the leg holes. Maybe not such a good look? But I'll worry about that come warmer climes. The hat is from Beacon's, and I'm starting to feel like it might be the kind of thing I can only really pull off when it's finally so cold out that people start wearing things that look like live animals on their heads. Or maybe when I finally turn into Queen Latifah. Whichever comes first, I guess.
I have so much respect for Lina Scheynius and her approach to photography. Her images represent the poplar opposite of the spectrum from the sickly-slick, over processed kind of editorial and commercial work that leaves me cold. Her photographs are warm and alive and, yes, sometimes flawed--but all the more gorgeous for it. Says Schenynius of her collaboration with AnOther Magazine on the campaign images for their first fragrance AnOther 13:
"We didn't want to make a traditional perfume image, but something more real and raw. I have done loads of self-portraits in the past – it's very much part of my work and how I started out. AnOther asked if I would be interested in doing a self-portrait for the scent and I loved that idea. So I found a nice five star hotel, checked in there on my own with only my cameras and a load of film and a couple of Chloé outfits, and spent the evening playing around."
Scheynius, Chloé, and a few precious packs of Polaroid film. What more could you possibly ask for??