I honestly couldn't tell if it was night or day when I woke up this morning, the sky was so dark and ominous. Rain is nice when you can sit inside by a big window and watch it fall on other people...but when you have to shiver on a Q platform waiting for the train to school, eeeeeh, not so much.
After my recent post in which I declared my love for the Eberjey Delirious Bralet, Mariela Rovito, one of the founders of the label, left me this sweet comment:
"Love, love, love how you wrote about our Delirious Bralet. Thanks for being a fan. It's actually one of the "cult favorites" in our collection. Wanted to give your readers access to our Private Sale on Monday. Enter code CyberMonday and get 20% off entire purchase! Do it before 11am EST and get an additional 5%! Happy Turkey Day"
There you go friends, don't say the phrase "tittay rainbow" never did nothin' for you! Make sure you get your orders in over at Eberjey's webshop bright an early on Monday (i.e. tomorrow) morning--unless you wanna get caught doing the no pants dance like Natalia up there... (photo by Nathaniel Goldberg for Vogue Paris found here)
Here's hoping that when I wake up, my throat isn't sore anymore, my nose isn't sniffly, and all this stuff is stowed away safely in my closet. (Actually, while we're at it, can I add "a closet" to this wishlist??)
P.S. You can click the sets to see where it's all from...if you really wanna know ;n )
So I know that the post-Thanksgiving-dinner-eat-yourself-and-your-butt-into-oblivion-haze is a rough time to be talking about swimwear of all things...BUT, these babies are soooo worth it! My post about the new Australian line of one-pieces called We Are Handsome is up over on the FADER blog, and they are, quite frankly, fierce. And I do not use that word lightly.
Aaaaah whhhooooa hey guys! I know, outfit posts around here have gone kinda kaput since I moved into my new place, but I finally got off my ass and braved our chilly back patio to show off this flowy little number I recently scored.
It was one of those big crazy hippie mamma things, complete with stale Nag Champa fumes and everything, but after amputating several inches off the bottom it's now a little more "downtown boho chic" ahaharr. Anyways, I'm off to Jersey for a couple days for a brief rendezvous with a certain world traveler...and the better part of his extended family.
Perfumes are problematic. I only really like the ones that smell like actual things, not just that gross, fake, "perfume-y" smell. Stella McCartney smells like roses, Marc Jacobs smells like tuberose, and now I'm trying YSL Parisienne on for size (courtesy of a free sample from Sephora.) It smells like blackberries and damask roses, a little sugary but I think it's growing on me. The 1 oz. size is adorable and, for once, not wildly out of my price range--just mildly.
Finding pretty, classy, affordable, underwire-free brasseries has become something of a lifelong mission on my part. I don't understand why it's so hard to find such a thing, and why ladies with big boobs middle-of-the-road boobs should have all the frilly, lacey fun. Which is why I'm completely obsessed with Eberjey's Delirious Bralet. And it comes in A BAZILLION FREAKIN' COLORS, omg you guys, it's a tittay raaaaiiinnnbbbbooowwww!! c)
On one of my first days at FADER I accompanied my boss to a downtown showroom where, as part of the festivities, they were providing free manicures from OPI's new España line. Rough stuff, I know. Anyways, she chose a gorgeous dark green, almost black number called "Here Today...Aragon Tomorrow" (ah the puns! They buuurn!!) while I went with some stupid pinkish purple junk. You might say I was...green with envy???
If there's one thing I despise in cosmetics, it's that awful, frosty shimmer that sneaks into so many nail polishes and lipsticks. I want my colors pure, straightforward, unadulterated. I also want them at drugstore prices. Which is why I'm so stoked on the Revlon Matte collection. I already have Pink Pout, pictured, but I also really want the nude shade and maybe even a red?? It's no NARS Roman Holiday, but it ain't half bad either.
I know it's the holiday season and all...and I know I'm supposed to be spending my money on OTHER people (and don't get me wrong, I am, and how), but I'll admit I caved today and bought these gorgeous western booties from Ruby Chic Boutique.
I'm really partial to things with a tasteful western vibe--first my Dingo boots, now these. Maybe it's because I'm a native Westerner living in an East Coast world? Or could be I've just got a big ol' crush on (the original) Blondie... here's hoping they fit--but if not, rest assured I'll resurrect my shop long enough to send them off to some other lucky gunslinger.
So, I know it's the middle of November and all, but try as I might I can't seem to get Spring off my mind. My brain's a big mess of light, soft fabrics--khakis and olives and blues and creams, with touches of braided leather and flat sandals...ok, so I guess maybe I just have Chloé to blame?? But anyways, maybe that's why, when I see an editorial like this one, which is purportedly meant to be, quote, "a view on Kenzo fall winter collection" all I can think is ooooh, Spring! Florals! Bunnies and babychicks!! Hooray!!!!!
Or maybe it's that I just got done planting a dozen daffodil bulbs in our back yard? By the time those things come up I'll probably be all excited for Fall again. Actually, no, I doubt it. You can see the rest of this lovely editorial, featuring Elsa Sylvan, which I found on Fashion Gone Rogue, right here.
Saturday night, I headed out into the 'burg to see a friend play her first show drumming. They were the first band in the line up, and after their set and a snack run, I ended up kinda milling about inside, preparing to deftly make my exit. Honestly, I'm usually not one for live shows, unless it's a band I know and love. I'm there to say hey, show my face, chug a watery beer and bolt.
It's rare that a band I don't know anything about actually gets me going, which is why I'm still not quite over what happened when She Keeps Bees took the stage. And I mean TOOK. This girl owned that stage like she'd built it with her two bare hands--and that voice. By the end of their set the place was going nuts, and even relentless skeptics like myself we're bopping along. I kind of felt the way I did when I first heard the White Stripes, you know, back before Jack married a supermodel and became a Bond Girl or whatever...
Anyways, I feel like She Keeps Bees is definitely a band you need to see live in order to fully appreciate their awesome powers. Their recorded stuff is great, no question, but seeing Jessica Larrabee bring it in full force is not something to be missed.Here's a tiny taste:
(photos by Adriana Jovanovic, Romain Barbot, Allison Green, and Rebecca Teal, all courtesy of She Keeps Bees' myspace)
Aaaah, how fucking ridiculous is this video of Kate and Christie, circa when dinosaurs still roamed the earth?? What a little scamp, that Miss Moss! You've gotta go watch the rest of them over on the RUSSH blog, this stuff is priceless.
Oh man, I'm so in love with this Forestbound canvas carryall I found via Effie's blog. It's made of a salvaged 100-plus-years-old apple sack, and the leather is from a Swiss military backpack from the '30's. Uuuuuum. Yep, pretty much. 'Course, it's kinda a moot point since it's already sold out!
I'm always looking for alternatives to the same old grungy canvas tote I invariably end up falling back on. I just get so frustrated not being able to fit enough stuff into other bags--not that I'm that high maintenance, it's just that I like being able to say "no" to plastic bags while shoping as much as possible. Cram it and go, friends!
Poking around the Chloé campaign archives over on TFS, I started getting all nostalgic over my earliest encounters with the label. I remember while pouring through beat up, third-hand copies of Vogue and W in high school art class looking for photos to tear out or to draw from it was always a little thrill to come upon a Chloé ad. They were just so beautiful and nostalgic in precisely the way I so wanted to emulate--then and now.
This last one is actually an ad from 1987. I really want to see more vintage Chloé pieces and images, especially the 70's Karl-era stuff. I imagine that some of it is probably pretty awful...and that I'll probably secretly like it anyways.
Waiting for a friend in Around the World today, flipping through Another Magazine, I opened to the first shot up top and caught my breath. I love it so much--the scruffy hair, the bare legs, the messy, slept-in blankets. The fact that she's wearing Chloé doesn't hurt either. While looking for a scan, I came across the last two photos, both equally arresting but in such different ways.
I feel like Sofia has one of those faces, sort of like Cate Blanchett, that I remember being described somewhere as "not always pretty but always fascinating" (my poor paraphrasing...) Anyways, I think she's great. (click photos for sources)
It was fun to read this little interview with Camille Bidault-Waddington in the Novemeber issue of UK Vogue. We're definitely on the same page when it comes to the color black, voluminous clothing and messy hair. I also find it rather satisfying that she doesn't even stick to her own "no's" (high heels with shorts?? Mon dieu!)
Pssst...word to the wise! Remember when I posted about those amazing handmade shoe accessories made by the Vamoose (aka Kathryn Blackmore)? Well, her etsy shop is officially up and running! She's promised to add new items regularly, including a few of those gorgeous pom pom necklaces, so be sure and add her to your faves! Something tells me you wont be sorry...
For some reason, I constantly forget how incredibly awesome Stylelikeu is, meaning I get to spend every few weekends going through pages of fun, weird, inspiring videos--like this one. Oh man, I'm so totally in love with this girl. I mean her clothes. I mean...both?? See more photos and read more here.
Sorry to get all sentimental on your collective asses, but the Pains left for a three week Spain-France-UK tour yesterday. Meaning, I wont be seeing this handsome face again for way, waaaaaay too long.
His absence happens to coincide with what, I hope, are to be the last few weeks of my school career for(knock on wood)ever. I anticipate a lot of time spent alternately feeling extremely sorry for myself, procrastinating like I've never procrastinated before and, theoretically, knuckling down and writing a masterful paper or two...or five. The last five papers I will ever write in my entire life. Knock on wood.
Nothing could ever top Chloë in Chloé, but Chloë in Miu Miu suuure ain't half bad.
Also, and I understand this will not be an overwhelmingly popular opinion, but I really don't have a beef with this outfit. I actually...kinda like it? It's not like she didn't have a reference point, it was a party for Miu Miu, and hell, at least she didn't choose to accessorize with some big hunk of roadkill.
Mostly, I just like that she isn't afraid to go out on a limb and risk being laughed at when she gets dressed, even for events. That's what makes Chloë Chloë afterall, and why oh why would you want it any other way??