I may not be big on weddings (or at least not the idea of having one of my own), but for some reason I just love this photo. I remember trying to grow lilies-of-the-valley in our garden when I was a kid, but they never survived.They are the most beautiful, delicate little things, aren't they?
I found a link to this video on Hannah's flickr...and just about died. This place is sort of like the farm I grew up on, times approximately 1,000,000,000!
Pretty effing adorable little video from Coconut Records aka Jason Schwartzman (or as I like to refer to him, J'man.)
Also, I found out last night that my other dear friend bought me a Super 8 camera for my birthday! I can't wait to start making movies like this of my own. And I still need to show you guys the one I made in class this winter! It just needs a decent soundtrack, is all...
Better late than never, right? This is what I wore out on my birthday for Indian food and soft-serve in the rain.
I actually found this dress at Buffalo Exchange during the day on my birthday, and treated myself. It has the sweetest little flower print, which can be seen here on the far left.
In the days between then and now, it has grown progressively hotter, reminding me that I still need shorts and tank tops and all those things that leave as many of my 2000 parts free and exposed to the world. I require ventilation! Also, I got the most amazing package in the mail yesterday:
It's a wonderful feeling knowing that someone out there truly understands just exactly what you love in this world, right down to remembering the weird ceramic bud vase from some tiny store back home you were totally obsessed with last summer. Amazing. Also, the girl hand bleach-painted that skull t-shirt herself. I keep telling her she needs to go into business selling those things! So. Bad. Ass.
Honestly, I have my doubts as to the longevity of "It's On..."
But I'd be lying if I said that having a new Alexa outfit to dissect four days a week wasn't quickly becoming a new obsession... (Photos and outfit info can be found here)
How did I finally stumble across this site for the first time only a few nights ago?? I spent hours going through their old streetstyle and blog posts, and I think it's safe to say I'm in love... (All images from Turnedout.tv)
Yesterday involved more treats, flowers and florals than you could shake a stick at. Pretty tremendously excellent, even if it did rain a little on my lemon verbena soft serve with dried apricot chunks. Thanks for all the wonderful birthday wishes you guys!
Even my close friends often end up frustrated when it comes to buying me presents. I always tell them that they probably shouldn't bother, but more often than not they usually do anyways (because hey what are friends for if not buying you stuff??) What they don't understand is that I'm actually surprisingly easy to please. A big bouquet of flowers, any kind (even crocosmia!) will win you my heart 365 days a year. Also, apologies all around for the recent creative slow-down. The Pains are back in town, the weather is shite, and it's my birthday tomorrow (today/Monday), so I have been feeling lazy, happy and extremely cranky in frequent shifts. I think we're going to celebrate with a trip to Momofuku Milk Bar (seriously, check out that menu!), which I've been wanting to do for ages. Nothing like celebrating 24 years on this planet with a slice of crack pie!
• I'm featured on page 28 of this fantastic new online magazine called Spilled Milk (along with a whole slew of amazing girls, expect many familiar faces!)
• The winner of the ChickDowntown contest was a little lady named Cynthia, whose BB Dakota dress should be in the mail. Thanks so much to everyone who participated, and I'm absolutely serious about hosting a contest of my own in the future that's open to everyone worldwide. Stay tuned!
I think one of the reasons I have such trouble executing any sort of successful, over-arching interior design scheme (one of many reasons) is that I get too distracted by the details. I fixate on making pretty piles of crap--it's the whole forest/trees syndrome. These are just a few of my favorite crap-piles (+ my toes in a cameo appearance.)
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I present to you the perfect floral top:
To put it in geology terms (to make up for the fact that I'm supposed to be studying right now): I liken this shirt to a sedimentary rock made up of tiny grains of magic weathered from the tallest mountains in my sweetest dreams. If the subject of my midterm tomorrow was this shirt, I would get an A+ for envy.
It's owned by an amazing girl named Jess, and she's just lucky there happens to be an ocean separating us, otherwise I'd already be up in her closet burglin' this pretty baby.
Ask any lady what their "wardrobe basics" might include, and I guarantee that 9 out of 10 will list black flats as a necessity. Because duh, they're a necessity! Which is what makes the fact that I haven't really owned a decent pair in what seems like years kind of insane (actually...it may literally have been years.)
How is this possible you ask? No doubt it is due to a combination of both my extreme pickiness and my extreme broke-ness, coupled with the fact that people tend to wear their favorite pair of black flats into the ground instead of selling them to Buffalo Exchange (my life blood these days, 'tis true.)
Anyways, what I'm getting at here is: I found some black flats! And even though they're slightly too big, and were slightly more than I wanted to pay (i.e. over $10--anything that costs more than that should really either be edible or last a lifetime), they've already changed my life for the better. I wore them to the Post Office today to mail some packages, the color of which almost matched my walls.
Today will go down in history as the day my life became simultaneously 1000 times richer and 1000 times sadder, due to the knowledge that a) this exists and b) I will almost certainly never own it.
(Vintage Fiorucci bathing suit from Nasty Gal Vintage found via Cat Party. And yes, it's already looong gone.)
Ever since the demise of Domino Magazine, my well of interior design inspiration has shrunk to contain little more than the Selby and the odd Paris Vogue feature. That's why I love RUSSH's Interiors section (sadly absent from the latest issue, boo!) This is probably my favorite home to be featured yet, from the September/October 2007 issue (also probably my favorite issue, that I've seen anyways.)
Tons of cat stuff, really cool shoes, an antler chandelier, a stuffed peacock...shoot, it doesn't get much better than this!
Too bad I can't trust myself to wear all white (or...any white) without getting tacos/icecream/pizza/various filth on my front (or...god knows where else), because it looks so pretty and fresh in the sunshine. And on that note:
Her wardrobe in these two films essentially sums up everything I would like to wear, and the sort of person I would like to be, forever and always. I kinda loathe the phrase "style icon," so let's just says she's my...sartorial superwoman?? (Yeah, that might actually be worse.)