
what a shocker...

Karen Walker Spring 2010

Karen Walker's Spring 2010 presentation didn't quite sweep me off my feet the way some of her other collections have, but OH, this PRINT!!! Makes me think of these sweet Scout Holiday necklaces, which I have been quietly coveting for quite some time now. My only beef? Way, waaay too good to use on a mere two dresses and a couple of bags...

(photo from NYMag.com)


LD said...

that print should be used on an entire range of skirts!


Anonymous said...

gorgeous print

Anonymous said...

this is fantastic

Suzy said...

i totally wanted one of those scout holiday necklaces the second i laid eyes on them. oooh and one of kate miss' friendship bracelet-looking ones too. sadly, i usually end up eliminating jewelry from my outfits, i think because i feel too much like a maxed-out mannequin if i've got all the elements going at once. visual merchandising at FOREVER TWENTYfreakingONE will do that to you. oh, the horrors of being twenty.

Ringo, have a banana! said...

I hardly ever wear jewelry, except for rings, big ones. But I think if I got one of those Scout Holiday necklaces I would want to just hang it on my wall somewhere. Which is why I cannot justify the many bones they cost.

Priscila Cortez said...

this print is just like a thing we use to decorate a the june/july brazilian holidays parties. http://www.overmundo.com.br/_guia/img/1213744894_pinto2_031.jpg