Amy Merrick's Valentine's Day Pop-Up at Castor & Pollux // A Détacher A/W 2012
These two events had absolutely nothing to do with each other, but their colors look pretty good together don't you think?? Anyways, it's Spring now, and that's great. Capital "S" ya daaaamn right, that's my #1 all-time favorite season you're talkin' 'bout. In retrospect, it wasn't quite yet Spring back when I took these photos, but we were all doing our best to pretend.
I realized this week that I have a lot to learn about working from home. Tonight I'm very thankful that tomorrow I get to work in someone else's studio instead.
For me, the best part about Fashion Week in NYC is that it tends to lure all sorts of exciting, stylish visitors from far away corners of the world. This past February, I finally had the chance to meet up with one of my favorite bloggers from the other side of the globe, Ms. Hannah-Rose of Capture the Castle. We spent a giddy afternoon wandering around Williamsburg on various goose-chases (some wilder than others) and eventually settled down to conduct a little interview over coffee and Tim Tams at Toby's Estate.
Hannah also asked me to put together a Top Ten list for Benah, one of my favorite Australian lines that also happens to run a really excellent blog. True to form, I decided to make everything ten times more complicated by only shooting the photos I wanted to use on film--but I'm so glad I did! I'm really happy with the results, and I hope you are too. Have a look, and leave a little love :n )
My family's land is beautiful, and being only about half a mile inland, on a quiet night you can hear the surf crashing down on the beach in North Bay. Even so, I remain more than a little jealous of those folks who have managed to snap up a piece of waterfront property. To wake up and see the sea in your front yard, to watch the sun set over the other dusky blue humps and take a moonlit stroll on the shore at a minute's notice? That would be a bit of all right, all right.
Every winter, I tend to get a bit restless at some point and take off from home for a walk that usually ends in a bit of light trespassing. Our sweet but short warmer months tend to attract a lot of vacationers in the summer whose houses then stand empty for the better part of the year, and it's pretty irresistible to go peeping at the windows of some of these places now and then. They run the gamut from multi-story, sterile monstrosities to cozy little cabins--the one pictured above being my very favorite and of the latter variety. Built decades ago by relatives of one of the oldest families on the island, it has everything you could ever need to live a comfortable, quiet life: a bedroom, a loft, a modern gas range and hand-operated water pump in the kitchen, a wood stove for heating, a beach-combed collection of delicately salted shells and other pale detritus, and a piano. And, a huge set of windows facing a wild, watery, ever-changing amphitheatre. I fantasize that some day I will have the means and the opportunity to buy, or even just rent it for a week...but until then, it's the art of the snoop for me.
I finally got three rolls of film developed last week, and suddenly I feel like I have more photos than I know what to do with! Some of them have been sent off on secret missions, a few are waiting in reserve for a special announcement, but until then I will get on with sharing the rest.
We may not have a had white Christmas, but I did have a white winter vacation this year. It was the first time most of those ducks had ever seen ice or snow, and hi-jinks ensued. Ducks are so dang cute, I think these guys may have put me off chickens forever. I spent a lot of time lurking around the house, taking pictures of my Mom's weaving studio, my growing stack of National Geographics. We also did a good bit of bushwhacking and trail building in the woods around our place, and I still have the blackberry vine marks around my ankles where they got in above my socks and worked their mischief.The water was snow-blue and everything was still crusted in white the morning I left. By the time I see my homeland again, winter will have miraculously turned to mid-summer and the garden will be blooming.