
just say...

Pet sitting/video editing/prepping for a job on Saturday is making my life crazy and non-conducive to creative blogging at the moment, but thankfully The Pains picked up some slack for me by releasing their insanely adorable new music video today. Even though it's hard for anyone to top crashing a Furry party, I think this might be my fave yet...


Suzy said...

holy crap, puppy nose touch.

seriously though that may be the cutest girl i've ever seen. and i read blogs, so i've seen some adorable shit in my day.

iliketweet said...

Ah.. I adore The Pains! You're lucky to be a Mrs Pain :)

I'm doing a competition on my blog at the moment, if you fancy it!

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Dot said...

This video makes me insanely happy. Can't wait to finally see them live this summer!