I know I know, it's bad enough that I have to ruin just about every magazine in existence for myself by skulking around the internet, obsessively seeking out scans...I shouldn't try and take you all down with me! Which is why I swear I'm not going to go crazy posting scans from the newest Lula (besides, you're perfectly capable of ruining it for yourselves I'm sure!)
But I had to post just a few from this editorial, my absolute favorite that I've seen so far (and they're all GOOD, no joke. I feel like this might be the best issue since the one guest edited by Kirsten Dunst.) It all feels very William Eggleston to me. Loooove.
But that's all...for now. Aaaah, god I'm sick. Go on without me!! Save yourselveeeeeesss...
(photos from Lula #9 found here)
this is great. coupled with my "nothing to do at work", i'm really learning a lot about fashion...i think. all these posts are about fashion right? i don't really read, i just look at the nice pictures.
agh Lula, Lula, Lula! Can't wait for it..when will it be out?! Love that second pic especially
my newsstand guy has my name and number, one will eventually find its way into my hands...
oh this is killing me!!!! i am still waiting for a call from my magazine shop. i cannot believe it is still not in the states! oh lula!
This one is gorgeous!
oooo yes, very pretty!
jess s//
I did buy Lula (all redheads all the time in this issue) but then went to buy the new AnOther after searching everywhere for the Natalie Portman cover and realised flipping through I'd already seen all the pages I was interested in...bittersweet. Saved me a few quid though.
I have to say that this particular editorial is the best i've seen in any mag for a long time! funnily enough i posted the same shoot today :)
i feel terrible, feeding the addiction, but leibe marlene has some really awesome photos posted from lula...
this post makes me feel like dying my hair red again so badly!!
I bought the Lula that features these amazing photos in it yesterday and have yet to wipe the drool off my mouth. I'm glad they chose to take the route that goes right up my alley.
Wish my hair could be that awesome in the second photo, sigh.
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