The good news: I found this secondhand Eddie Bauer beauty a few days before escaping the city back in July. Constructed from chocolatey brown felt and sporting a rugged braided leather band, it's a true rarity in that it fits perfectly atop my delicate noggin'. Only took me a couple years to track this marvel down.
The bad news: I "misplaced" my digital camera while home in Washington. (I refuse to say "lost" because I still cling to the hope that it will emerge from the floorboards of Dag's car or the bottom of some bag of detritus. Fingers crossed.) Preparing to embrace Photobooth with gentle resignation once more.
The other good news: Fortunately, I've finished off almost four 36 exposure rolls of film in the last month, the first of which I'll post up soon!
Back in the City, more than a little begrudgingly, and preparing to be greeted by a hurricane.
My best friend, pictured above in sunnier, sea-going, island summer times, is coming to visit in October. I'm excited to take her to dinner for her birthday, to feed her a bahn mi sandwich, to spend Halloween together for the first time in five years and, selfishly, to have something to look forward to before my next escape West in January.
After pounding the pavement all day from Indre By to Christianshavn with a canal boat in between, up to the tippy top of the Our Saviour's Church, through the seedy twists and turns of Christiania and back again in time for dinner--I wasted some hard earned time tonight catching up on internet biz. Through the sea of utter crap lining the pages of Fashion Gone Rogue and all together too many fussy DIY chevron-chellaced armoirs came this enormous breath of fresh air courtesy of Vanessa Jackman. Her photos from behind the scenes at an MiH Jeans lookbook shoot are everything that is good, casual but crisp, relaxed but smart, and just plain right, right now.
At the moment it's looking like my only clothing purchase from Copenhagen may end up being an awfully nice white tee shirt that I picked up at COS today. And I'm pretty ok with that. All photos by Vanessa Jackman, please provide credit if reposting :n )
After the Alive Festival last night in Thisted, we left Jutland at 5:30am this morning and arrived in Copenhagen four bleary hours later, closing out a balls to the wall ten days on the road. We've rented our own little studio apartment on Sankt Peders Straede through Visit Copenhagen, which was not only the best deal in town but is such a warm relief after too many nights in sterile hotels. Tonight we have groceries and zinnias and the next two days all to ourselves in this beautiful city. Danmark er et fantastisk land! (My newest and most useful phrase.)
Trying, with heavy heart, to make the most of my last few days here. Two weeks couldn't have been enough if it tried, and it did try! I spent some time in the sun with a cat and two sleepy chickens this morning, making my way through short stories by Beryl Markham and exploring the Nebraska grasslands as they were circa 1975 thanks to my personal time machine aka National Geographic. Dagmar's woods are full of surprises.
Went camping this weekend up in the Gulf Islands, Canada's Riviera. Got rained on Saturday night out in the open, but the payoff was this sunset the evening prior (nabbed this photo from my Mom.) This morning back on the farm I went and made my breakfast look pretty, but then remembered that eating flowers has always kinda felt like eating butterflies to wrong, but so right?? Next orders of business: take a bath on the back porch and climb a tree and try to find some cell reception. Hope all's well out there in the world!