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Friends, today I am issuing you a plea. As I am a simple girl, I make only a simple request: in the name of all that's delicious, find a reason to make pancakes this weekend (or tomorrow...or RIGHT NOW.) Why? Because I truly believe that I've found what can only be described as the world's greatest pancake recipe--and I'm here to spread the gospel. Let me preface by saying that these are no ordinary pancakes: they are Pumpkin Spice pancakes. So if you don't like pumpkin and you don't like spice...I suggest you get the hell outta my kitchen! I found this recipe, of all places, on the Opening Ceremony blog a little over a week ago, and have made them twice since then (and that is a serious show of self-control.) Both times they cooked up like fluffy little piles of warm, soft, moist clouds from heaven--and in the perfect quantity for two hungry people who REALLY like pancakes.
Assembling the troops.
Mmmmm, spice pile.
Go whole or go home!
A couple of tips:• I've been adding a good spoonful (or around a tablespoon) of molasses to my wet ingredients, which gives the finished product an amazing gingerbread flavor.• Seeing as it's fall and all, I really gotta urge you to make the pumpkin puree from scratch. Pumpkins are cheap and in season, and those things practically cook themselves. Here's a quick how-to. (And while we're at it: here's how to make buttermilk from scratch.)• I haven't gotten around to making the Vanilla Bean Syrup they recommend (though I can only imagine the wonder) but I cannot impress upon you enough how crucial the Cinnamon Butter is. Seriously, it takes all of five minutes to whip up, and it will increase the yum-factor twenty-fold.
Aaagh looking at these photos is literally like torture right now. Maybe we can make these a new Halloween breakfast tradition? Or like...a Tuesday breakfast tradition?? Whatever it takes guys, I'm telling you: do this now!!
Right now, I'm hoping against all hope that the photo behind Leith Clark with all the dark blue hues is, in fact, the cover of the newest issue of Lula. (And, is it just me...or does the girl in the white dress bear a slight resemblance to Ms. Lou Doillon?? Squint harder, dang it!)The release date for their Fall issue has now been pushed back well over a month, for reasons still unknown. I love Lula, I do, but I have to admit: it really ticks me off that they've not given us hint one as to what the heck is going on. I mean, we care dammit! And we shell out nigh on $20 to buy a copy, so I feel like the least they can do is lend a few words of reassurance in these troubled times. Grrrrr.Anyways, in the meantime, to wile away the Lula-less hours, check out this interview with Leith on The Style Notebook (also where I found the above photo.) Here's wishing the Lula pop-up shop makes a stop in NYC--and be sure to read Anabela's first-hand account of the experience while you're at it!

I was fortunate enough to receive a pretty little package all the way from the UK the other day. Inside were two collars made by the London-based line Beaumont Organic. They had gotten in touch with me the week before to invite me to participate in a styling contest and, after I got a bit more acquainted with the brand and designer Hannah Nicole's stance on the importance of promoting organic cotton, a cause I very much support, I knew I had to say yes! (Did you know that cotton is by far the world's "dirtiest" crop, covering 2.5% of the world's cultivated land but using 16% of the world's insecticides? That shit is toxic.)I decided to wear my favorite collar with one of the amazing dresses that recently arrived from Pistenine Vintage. The dress is actually by Young Edwardian, but I think it must be from the 80's or early 90's, as I'm used to seeing more romantic, 70's peasant-style pieces from the brand.Anyways, please leave a comment letting me know what you think! The deadline for submission is, ahem, tomorrow--oooops! If I'm gonna win this baby, I'll need all the positive affirmations I can get ;n )

When I was a kid growing up in the Washington, my rad hippie school spent months studying the many Native American tribes of the Pacific Northwest. We made paint from charcoal, clam shells and mushed up salmon eggs (mmmmm haha) and learned about crafting diapers from cedar bark and moss. The whole thing culminated in a two week fieldtrip up the inside passage on the Alaska Ferry, during which time we toured many a sweat lodge, photographed many a totem pole, and bought endless tiny jars of salmonberry jam.
I feel like this dress by Lindsey Thornburg is another item that could easily enter into the endlessly frustrating "native appropriation" debate, and there's certainly a part of me that understands why. I do think it's interesting that, while the Pendleton fabrics and feather headdresses of the Southwest and Plains Indians have long been part of the fashion-consciousness (for better or for worse), the PNW seems to have been largely left unexplored (Un-exploited? Un-tapped?)
That said, I can't deny that I find it to be an absolutely gorgeous piece of clothing. Fortunately, the mini costs $400, so I wont have to wrestle my own mixed-up morals any further than gazing longingly at a computer screen requires. Plus, to be totally honest, seeing it on Erin Wasson hasn't really increased the appeal. Phew! Dodged that bullet...
(Images via Bona Drag)

For me, autumn has always felt like an especially contemplative season. Something about the combination of spending more time inside staring longingly out windows, the necessity of putting a bit of thought into layering up clothing in the morning for a change, rain storms, endless pots of tea, the kind of things that make you want to just plant yourself in some corner of a warm cafe and doodle away an afternoon.When Melissa from To Boldly Fold approached me about doing a giveaway, I thought that this would be the perfect time of year for such a prize: a gorgeous, handbound, softcover leather journal, fastened with a button made from a beachstone found on the Cape Cod shore. At 6.5" x 5" x 3/4", it's the perfect size for slipping into a beat up old back pack or satchel, or even a nice deep coat pocket.All you have to do to enter is leave a comment describing your favorite spot to draw/write/journal/compose dirty limericks. For example, mine is a tie between my old room at home, preferably with a big cup of Vanilla Rooibos and a cat lying on my feet, and the Coney Island bound Q train. The contest will be open until Sunday evening. Please be sure that if your email isn't available on your profile you leave me that as well.Check out the To Boldly Fold Etsy shop for more goodies, and best of luck one and all!
CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED! (Thanks so much for all the amazing entries, everyone!!)
Update: There were just WAY too many great stories to choose from, so in the end I used the number generator at to pick...comment #32! Congratulations Viv!! Your journal will be on its way to you shortly. Since after a week Viv is still MIA, I've made the executive decision to move on and choose a new number. Congrats #49, Alice of The Brimborion! Thanks again to all who participated, and I promise you can look forward to more giveaways in the future.
A piece of mine in the October/November issue of BUST Magazine, about Sheena Matheiken and the Uniform Project. I'm so glad to see that phase two of the Project is going so well! So far they've chosen really amazing girls to participate, and raised a good deal of money for some really worthwhile causes. On a side note, I've added a link on the sidebar to my new online Portfolio. It's kinda a work in progress (in so many ways!) but so far I've got most of my published pieces and styling work up. Have a look--and feel free to pass it on to anyone who you think might benefit from my services ;n )

Towards the end of last month, I was invited to a preview party for the Spring 2011 collections of Shabd and Mociun. I've been kinda obsessed with Shabd ever since crushing on her totes and tees this summer, so the prospect of getting a closer look at her beautiful tie-dyed silk pieces was very exciting (plus a little bird told me there'd be whiskey and Van Leeuwen ice cream...)Ostensibly, I meant to cover the event for FADER's Style blog, but it so happened that the next day I came down with that cold and sorta fell into a feverish black hole for a solid five days and got no work done and then, well...Oops. Anyways, now we can all reap the benefits of the photos I made Cassie take for me.The Mociun stuff was very soft and sheer and there were some really great prints (and the jewelry!! So delicate and perfect.) But I have to say that the Shabd stuff just blew me away. The cuts were simple enough (in the best way, that is) BUT the FABRIC, oh glory. Heavy, gorgeous silks in perfect, organic swirls of dusty pinks, mauves, grey-blues, lemon yellows. I wanted every single last piece--or maybe just that t-shirt dress, to wear every single day, for the rest of my natural life.

It is LATE, and I have to be awake again in less than five hours...but before I drift off to dreamland, I felt it was my civic duty to inform you all of the out-of-control adorability that is is the Morton Salt sweater from Pistenine Vintage. I mean...HOLY HELL, am I right??? If this isn't sold by the time I wake up, I'm afraid there really is no hope for humanity...