The last few days have been filled with so many friends, I've actually been leaving my little hovel off the N-line and seeing movies and eating tasty things and cooking pasta in OTHER PEOPLE'S APARTMENTS (I know, I'm such a wild child!) Consequently, my blog has suffered. Apologies all around. I'm still here, honest, I'm just in hibernation, like a really ridiculously good-looking bear. And until I actually get it together to do something creative myself, I will continue to whole-heartedly steal photos from my friends, like the one above (thanks Rachel!)
No, I cannot believe christmas is in THREE days! i'm going places and buying things and it's a whirlwind of holidaytime! happy christmas and do not freak out about posting - enjoy the break!
hey lady, i think you will enjoy (or at least chuckle) at my latest blog entry. it features other photos lifted directly from this night. huzzah huzzah!
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