
Dear friends:

That is all.


kristin p. said...

your sunglasses are FABULOUS!

Anonymous said...

oh my god i have creepy childhood memories associated with falco but god i loved this song.
haha im watchign the video right now and chills.

your outfit is adorable btw!

Anonymous said...

this may be the best blog post ever.
like EVER.

Ringo, have a banana! said...

Wow, guys, can I just tell you how COMPETELY obsessed I am with this song right now? It's been in my head, non stop for three days. I mean, it's not like I never heard it before, but man, I just can't shake it! And the video is so BOMB. I mean, it's BOMB right?!?! Damn! Ow! Rock me!

P.S. I will be selling those sunglasses very soon, and I will let y'all know just in case you like 'em enough to put your money where your mouth is ;n )

CB said...

great song, great falco (and great outfit)
cheers !!!